Rotoman is a miracle!
It produces itself, without matter, without work, without any energy.

At A. Schulman, an operator must check the conformity of each plastic produced.
Every day, proofs are cast, observed, then thrown away. They present a series of tests allowing the reaction of plastics to be observed during particularly fine moldings.
They owe their tiny lifespan to the too low potential of their form, responding only to pragmatic and fleeting specifications.
The new mold imagined by Maximum and offered to A. Schulman produces a stool tattooed with the tests necessary for the company's engineers.
After having delivered its valuable information, Rotoman will find a lasting role in our daily lives as a foundation.
Thanks to close collaboration with our teams, A.Schulman is today the only industry in the world which, to test the conformity of its plastics, manufactures small stools.

Yesterday, these tests were nothing more than 3 kg of waste
... today, these same tests become 3 kg of stool

Bureau en ancienne porte de bureau.
Tout est dans le titre.